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ADS Florida, LLC - Dental Practice Sales and Appraisals
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Our experience and track record can be the decisive, competitive advantage that results in a successful transition. We’re on your side. Always with 100% confidentiality.

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HSPPT Florida
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As Your Agent, We Represent YOU
While we believe the most successful practice transitions are win/win for both seller and buyer, we are legally and ethically bound to represent your best interests when you list your practice with us. Some brokers claim dual representation and say they represent both the seller and purchaser. In the State of Florida, this practice is illegal. Other brokers represent only ‘the transaction’ and therefore, do not work for anyone (except perhaps themselves). ADS Florida has never  represented both sides in a transaction since we, like the State of Florida, feel it is a conflict of interest.
Shorter Practice Listing to Sale Times than Other Brokers
We have a pulse on the market and the data shows that practices listed with our company sell faster on average than practices listed with other brokers--between 25% and 85% faster (first on the market to sold status). Our clients also overwhelmingly express
satisfaction with their transition.
Outperforms Other Companies by Nearly 100% in Sales Per Team Member
Our company has consistently averaged nearly twice as many practices sold per team member as other Florida transitions companies. This track record of productivity points to the advantage of working directly with full-time specialists in a company that has more than 40 years of experience – and that’s not combined experience.
Transition Specialist for Leading Dental Schools 
Dental schools around the country rely on the expertise and experience of our team to advise students on transitioning into practice. As a result, we have a continuing resource and relationships with prospective buyers, as well as direct exposure to the newest trends in dentistry.
Outstanding Relationships with Other Transition Professionals 
In our more than 40 years in business, we’ve established trusted relationships with other professionals whom we can employ on our clients’ behalf. From leading lenders in the dental industry, to premier dental financial planners, to accountants and attorneys well-versed in practice transitions, we have the resources to meet your needs, whatever your stage or situation.
As many of our clients have said, “Don’t waste your time. Call [this team] today.”

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Henry Schein Professional Practice Transitions | 9300 Conroy Windermere Road, #455, Windermere, Florida  34786 | Licensed Real Estate Broker
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