We provides practice valuations:
- For the sale of a practice
- For the formation of associateships
- For the formation of partnerships
- For marital or partnership dissolution
- For estate planning
- For practice discovery / strengthening
Practice appraisals are performed consistent with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) as promulgated by The Appraisal Foundation. (Authorized by Congress as the source of appraisal standards and qualifications.)
We have provided litigation support and trial strategy support as well as experienced expert witness services which are related to professional practice appraisals.
We can also provide limited valuations. A more widely applicable document, this will provide you with a value derived by the same standards as a full appraisal, as noted above, but for a reduced cost. If you are interested in knowing the value of your practice and have no specific legal purpose for the document, a letter appraisal may be more appropriate.
We strongly suggest that all practice owners keep a current practice valuation on file and we have published numerous articles discussing why including disability, death, or even just strengthening of ones practice. Please visit our article archive to find out more (search - "valuation").
Please contact us to determine the right valuation solution for you and your practice.
Frequently Asked Questions: Purchasers | Sellers
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